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Marketing Your Home

Selling your home can really depend on the quality of the marketing. Not all real estate sale listings and marketing strategies are equal. Make sure your sales agent outlays his or her marketing strategy in detail. Below are some ideas that we recommend to drive as much traffic to see your home as possible. By the way, that is the goal of real estate marketing and advertising–to get as many quality showings as possible to increase the chances of the right buyer wanting to buy your home.

Recommendations for Sellers before Marketing:

  • Preparing your home for excellent and many pictures is very important. Better pictures attracts those buyers to want to see your home. Ask your real estate agent whether professional photography is needed or a good option for selling your home. The next four items below are important to happen before those pictures are taken.
  • Clear the clutter throughout the home, especially in your kitchen and bathrooms. Clutter takes away from what potential buyers should be focused on.
  • Clean clean clean your home! Have it professionally cleaned if you are one that does not like getting on your hands and knees to deal clean your house. The bathrooms and kitchens should be detail cleaned. Carpets should be cleaned. Items often missed but very important when cleaning are the blinds, fans, baseboards, and walls.
  • Remove personal items throughout the house including excessive pictures of your family. Potential buyers are there to visualize their family living in the home and should not be distracted by too much of your personal stuff.
  • Remove any signs of pets. Most buyers will not want to smell pet odors or see pet items throughout the house. This will cause concern as to the care, cleanliness, and maintenance of your home, especially for buyers who do not own pets.
  • Fix blatant maintenance issues. Buyers will expect that your home has been well-maintained. You want to demonstrate that as well. Take care of those issues that have been bugging you. Don’t give buyers any reasons to move on to the next property.

Important Marketing Strategies by your Agent:

  • Outstanding pictures for online marketing is critical. People buy with their eyes. Presenting your home online in it’s best light is possibly the most important thing we can do for our Sellers. Using good cameras with wide angles lenses can be helpful. Professional photography is advised for many listings. Professionals know how to add accent lighting to rooms and highlight the good features of the home. It’s also important not to include pictures of bad rooms or poor camera-angled pictures.
  • Highlight special features of the home. You know your home better than anyone. Let your agent know what you specifically like about the home, so they can describe those features well in the description of the listing. Your agent is also trained to look for those things that buyers are looking for.
  • Online Listing Distribution is very important to attract as many eyes on your property as possible. Most homebuyers are finding their new home online. Your home listing will be pushed to potentially hundreds of websites.

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