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How Atlanta’s population growth will affect the real estate climate in the coming years.

Posted by jwatkins on November 17, 2011

Atlanta is predicted to grow more than a net 100,000 people every year for the next 20 years. Why is this important when looking to buy rental properties? Because population growth pushes the need for supply up. This pushes the prices up for two reasons. Increased demand with a shortage of houses raises the pricing of the current inventory. Secondly, building new construction homes also raises prices because builders cannot build for what foreclosures are selling for.

The bottom line is that when population continues to grow, so does pricing. That makes right now a perfect time to own rental property in Atlanta at historically low prices. You can now own Atlanta investment properties for half of what it cost to build the same house. Get in contact with a great local real estate firm to help you build your portfolio.

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